Jacqueline Ripstein Healing Art Awakens the Eyes to the Invisible

Jacqueline Ripstein Healing Art Awakens the Eyes to the Invisible

Jacqueline Ripstein

Since she was a little girl growing up in Mexico Jacqueline Ripstein had big dreams of transforming the world through art that reveals the ultimate truths of our Inner Light and that of the Creator. As an artist, writer, innovator, public speaker, and activist, she is truly a remarkable pioneer in the healing arts and beyond. Consciousness and transformation, greater enlightenment and consciousness of all beings, world peace and unification of the collective, revealing unseen dimensions that influence all life, seeing and embracing Divine Light, raising vibrations and frequencies, heightening self-awareness and greater love…These are just a few intentions placed into all of Ripstein’s lifelong endeavors, yet these manifestations are most visible through her mesmerizing artworks.

Jacqueline Ripstein

Achieving the Seemingly Impossible with The Invisible Art Technique

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Yet, when first gazing upon the spectacular, multi-faceted artwork of Jacqueline Ripstein, one is likely to be left speechless. When I first watched a video highlighting some of her pieces, I managed to utter a ‘Wow!’ Goosebumps blanketed my skin while observing each piece literally transform into three distinctive images that ultimately merge when rendered under three differing light wavelengths – black, white, and all three combined. Magical and enchanting, these images are intended to ultimately reveal information that’s not initially ‘visible,’ and viewers immediately sense the power of change as the art beckons the subconscious to become more consciously open to ‘seeing’ the invisible beyond our physical realm.

According to Ripstein, “…only those that see the Invisible can do the Impossible. Peace is possible when we all realize our highest selves.” Her aspirations are to create pieces that transcend limiting thoughts and promote abundance, to cultivate art filled with inspiration and meaningful messages that resonate with vibrational energy, and awaken inner wisdom. The incredible medium that makes this magic possible is called The Invisible Art & Light Technique – invented and patented 30 years ago by the artist herself. Today, she utilizes this innovative technique to see her childhood dream come to fruition, and her healing art has dramatically affected thousands in highly transformational ways.

Jacqueline Ripstein

How Does this Art Help Heal and Transform Lives?

Over the years, several noted scientists around the globe have tested Jacqueline’s art and scientifically confirmed it’s vibrational qualities that can elevate viewers to greater states of heightened consciousness and promote healing! Time and time again, the results show a variety of effects experienced by those viewing these healing artworks. It is believed that the combination of the color vibrations and the surreal visual changes with the lighting techniques raise the vibrational frequency of the viewer. As you likely know, everything is energy, and we can use it to heal ourselves and others. The higher our vibrations, the more healing potential we have, and this artwork appears to indeed be a catalyst for healing a variety of mind/body/spirit imbalances.

Many viewers who underwent these scientific tests reported heightened states of consciousness, a greater feeling of peace, and a sense of being receptive to the higher vibrations of other dimensions while in the presence of these Invisible Art Images. Their emanation of high levels of energy allow one to align with higher electromagnetic frequencies that can open the doors to Divine insight and to connect with their soul within the Invisible and physical dimensions.

Want to See More Jacqueline Ripstein Creations?

Take a look at her works in this post’s video, or visit her website to see and learn more about this prolific artist at JacquelineRipstein.com. You’ll discover that Jacqueline’s vibrational healing art isn’t limited to works on canvas, and her collection also utilizes innovative media such as shells, linen, ceramics, folios, healing jewelry and much more!

Jacqueline Ripstein Healing Art Awakens the Eyes to the Invisible2024-04-23T14:58:18-04:00

Una gran luchadora por la paz: Jacqueline Ripstein: Las artes y las fuerzas creativas al servicio del amor y la Paz Mundial

Una gran luchadora por la paz: Jacqueline Ripstein: Las artes y las fuerzas creativas al servicio del amor y la Paz Mundial.

Muchos no lo saben, pero Jacqueline Ripstein es mucho más que una persona que decidió dedicar su vida al servicio de la paz mundial. Su arte ha sido dedicado a este fin y en este artículo le rendimos homenaje, pues actualmente Jacqueline es parte activa del proceso del cambio.

Jacqueline Ripstein es una renombrada artista, ha sido creadora de la denominada “New unique Art techniques as invisible art and light tech.” Ha inspirado a cientos de personas a lo largo del mundo desde hace más de 37 años. Científicamente se ha comprobado como sus técnicas del arte al servicio del bienestar, han impulsado nuevas formas de entendimiento de la energía motivadora del “ser humano”.

Ha realizado más de 360 conferencias, exposiciones y participado en eventos mundiales de reconocido interés.

Jacqueline es  Representante del denomindao ECOSOC (Asociación Internacional de Educadores para la Paz Mundial) en el seno de la ONU (Organización de las Naciones Unidas), y GHA Ambassador for Peace from Harmony.



Una gran artista del nuevo paradigma, pero sin duda una gran integradora del concepto arte, ciencia y conciencia.

Jacqueline ha sido capaz de integrar en el concepto de lo imposible lo impensable, lo que no se ve con los sentidos materiales, puede ser transcendido a dimensiones que demuestran que la ciencia, el arte y la conciencia alcanzan un punto de convolucion en un estadio elevado que  conlleva a luchar por la Paz.Tal vez,  el arte, el amor , la creatividad y la innovación, serán los únicos instrumentos que nos permitan evolucionar. 

Bravo Jacqueline.

Una experiencia que todos debemos compartir.

StarViewerTeam International 2012.

Una gran luchadora por la paz: Jacqueline Ripstein: Las artes y las fuerzas creativas al servicio del amor y la Paz Mundial2024-04-23T14:58:24-04:00


Acróstico para la pintora de la técnica de la Luz
MIAMI  23 NOV 1014


There is a Pathway to Inner Peace That You May Not Have Considered

There is a Pathway to Inner Peace That You May Not Have Considered

There is a Pathway to Inner Peace That You May Not Have Considered

by Jacqueline Ripstein, Artist/Author of- “The Art of HealingArt: The Keys to Power and Awareness

Editors Note: Jacqueline’s art is not like anything else that you have ever encountered! Hers is a rare gift, and we invite you to explore the possibilities within her work.  Normally you would not expect to see an article like this categorized as “Technology” but the special techniques that she has created really do belong there!

When I was a little girl, I believed in magic, my wand and my paint brush transported me to the Invisible World. My mystical path through the arts, along with a powerful inside force, moved me constantly to research a way to portray this Invisible world. I was seeking a path unknown to the arts, a new expression that could convey the inner and outer worlds of a human being. The arts and this creative path have leaded me to those unseen places that are hiding from the human eye, into the hidden secrets of Life!

My deepest desire has been to reveal those unseen dimensions and to offer a breath of hope to our humanity. To do this, I crossed the barriers from the Visible Dimensions to the Invisible Dimensions of Life, using color vibration as my guide. I have done this after years of research. I wanted to reveal our Inner Light and the Existence of the Light of Our Creator. My life’s journey has been to discover a new technique, a new way to reveal the truth. I do not reveal the Invisible World, the other way around; the Invisible World reveals to me the truth! And my responsibility is to transmit it to humanity!

That’s why I dared cross the boundaries of the traditional art schools to create New Invisible Art & light Techniques©–my paintings can be seen in three wavelengths—black light, normal light and combined. These images reveal information hidden initially from sight, and in doing so, bring the higher vibrations of the dimensions beyond our physical existence–and all that exists in higher planes–into our physical reality. As the invisible appears, a shock, a wow factor is created, this is a moment of consciousness, where the art and its messages become a catalyst for creating change. The color vibrations connect to the human energy system, raising the frequency in the viewer and healing wounds known and unknown. Studies by leading scientists have been made, they show the transformation people undergo when they see this unique artwork.

The Invisible Art is no gimmick. It was given to me for a purpose: by encountering my art, you are guided to see within yourself. This is the gift that we all have a right to receive as we become aware of our Invisible Realities. This is the source of our true being…Our thoughts and our feelings are created from this sacred space and manifested in the “visible dimension.”

As I say in my book The Art of HealingArt:  “Thus, we can understand not only that invisible forces unite us and influence us, but that we vibrate and abide in multiple dimensions not perceived by the human senses. All these realities occur in the Invisible World, which parallels our physical, material, and visible realm. Everything that exists in this universe is energy, manifested from the most subtle realms of energetic structures to the densest realms of vibrating matter. In the material world this energy is condensed and trapped. It is all an illusion: we perceive material objects to be solid, and they are not. Science has taught us that all matter vibrates. The more it condenses, the slower its atoms vibrate.”

“How should we understand this? It is important to appreciate that we are far more than what we see and believe ourselves to be. We have more skills than we can begin to imagine. And we need to learn to use these capabilities with utmost humility and purity of intention to co-create a world of Light and Peace….”

I firmly believe only those that see the Invisible, can do the Impossible! Peace is possible when we all realize our highest selves.

How does this art help you heal? At some point in your life you have, at some completely random moment, stopped what you were doing and just thought…Who Am I? Since the birth of time, there have existed many questions for which man has struggled to find the meaning. Life enigmas are still vast and unanswered. We, as mere mortals, have struggled to cope with the vastness of existence.

These Invisible Art images reveal to us who we truly are; they emanate higher levels of energy. They afford the opportunity to align with higher electromagnetic frequencies known to enhance our healing and health of body-mind-spirit. A new possibility, where each image opens its portals of wisdom to a new gateway. As these images help us to connect to our life’s experiences and our soul, a new expansion occurs, revealing unknown Invisible dimensions where not only the art images dwell, but the dimensions where our soul exists. This experience adds another “grain” to the vast knowledge that humanity has discovered up to now, helping us escalate forward.

“A picture is worth a thousand words….” And more!

We are all looking for answers to Life’s big questions and trials– many are revealed in my book The Art of HealingArt –. The Invisible Dimensions provide us with guidance, leading us to awaken to our inner wisdom, helping us to transcend and expand beyond limiting thoughts, beliefs, and habits. As we view the art within this book, invisible forces are ignited within us, stimulating our self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.

The messages from these paintings are thoughtful and thought-provoking, offering clues to personal metamorphosis. The birth of a “new you” is critical to the birth of a New Humanity.


There is a Pathway to Inner Peace That You May Not Have Considered2024-04-23T14:58:27-04:00

Revealing the Hidden World Through HealingArt

The Art of HealingArt: The Keys to Power and Awareness


Revealing the Hidden World Through  HealingArt

A Pathway to Personal and Global Peace 


By Jacqueline Ripstein, Artist/Author of- «The Art of HealingArt: The Keys to Power and Awareness»- and International Peace Envoy



When I was a little girl, I believed in magic, my wand and my paint brush transported me to the Invisible World.  My mystical path through the arts, along with a powerful inside force, moved me constantly to research a way to portray this Invisible world. I was seeking a path unknown to the arts, a new expression that could convey the inner and outer worlds of a human being. The arts and this creative path have leaded me to those unseen places that are hiding from the human eye, into the hidden secrets of Life!


My deepest desire has been to reveal those unseen dimensions and to offer a breath of hope to our humanity. To do this, I crossed the barriers from the Visible Dimensions to the Invisible Dimensions of Life, using color vibration as my guide. I have done this after years of research. I wanted to reveal our Inner Light and the Existence of the Light of Our Creator. My life’s journey has been to discover a new technique, a new way to reveal the truth. I do not reveal the Invisible World, the other way around; the Invisible World reveals to me the truth! And my responsibility is to transmit it to humanity!


That’s why I dared cross the boundaries of the traditional art schools to create New Invisible Art & light Techniques©–my paintings can be seen in three wavelengths—black light, normal light and combined.  These images reveal information hidden initially from sight, and in doing so, bring the higher vibrations of the dimensions beyond our physical existence–and all that exists in higher planes–into our physical reality. As the invisible appears, a shock, a wow factor is created, this is a moment ofconsciousness, where the art and its messages become a catalyst for creating change. The color vibrations connect to the human energy system, raising the frequency in the viewer and healing wounds known and unknown. Studies by leading scientists have been made, they show the transformation people undergo when they see this unique artwork.


The Invisible Art is no gimmick. It was given to me for a purpose: by encountering my art, you are guided to see within yourself. This is the gift that we all have a right to receive as we become aware of our Invisible Realities. This is the source of our true being…Our thoughts and our feelings are created from this sacred space and manifested in the “visible dimension.” 


As I say in my book The Art of HealingArt:  «Thus, we can understand not only that invisible forces unite us and influence us, but that we vibrate and abide in multiple dimensions not perceived by the human senses. All these realities occur in the Invisible World, which parallels our physical, material, and visible realm. Everything that exists in this universe is energy, manifested from the most subtle realms of energetic structures to the densest realms of vibrating matter. In the material world this energy is condensed and trapped. It is all an illusion: we perceive material objects to be solid, and they are not. Science has taught us that all matter vibrates. The more it condenses, the slower its atoms vibrate.»


“How should we understand this? It is important to appreciate that we are far more than what we see and believe ourselves to be. We have more skills than we can begin to imagine. And we need to learn to use these capabilities with utmost humility and purity of intention to co-create a world of Light and Peace….»


I firmly believe only those that see the Invisible, can do the Impossible! Peace is possible when we all realize our highest selves.


How does this art help you heal? At some point in your life you have, at some completely random moment, stopped what you were doing and just thought…Who Am I? Since the birth of time, there have existed many questions for which man has struggled to find the meaning. Life enigmas are still vast and unanswered.  We, as mere mortals, have struggled to cope with the vastness of existence.


These Invisible Art images reveal to us who we truly are; they emanate higher levels of energy. They afford the opportunity to align with higher electromagnetic frequencies known to enhance our healing and health of body-mind-spirit. A new possibility, where each image opens its portals of wisdom to a new gateway. As these images help us to connect to our life’s experiences and our soul, a new expansion occurs, revealing unknown Invisible dimensions where not only the art images dwell, but the dimensions where our soul exists. This experience adds another «grain» to the vast knowledge that humanity has discovered up to now, helping us escalate forward.


«A picture is worth a thousand words….» And more!


We are all looking for answers to Life’s big questions and trials– many are revealed in my book The Art of HealingArt –. The Invisible Dimensions provide us with guidance, leading us to  awaken to our inner wisdom, helping us to transcend and expand beyond limiting thoughts, beliefs, and habits. As we view the art within this book, invisible forces are ignited within us, stimulating our self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. 


The messages from these paintings are thoughtful and thought-provoking, offering clues to personal metamorphosis. The birth of a “new you” is critical to the birth of a New Humanity. 


Jacqueline Ripstein in an internationally renowned artist and peace envoy who has inspired hundreds of thousands of people all over the world through her highly vibrational art, books, self-awareness seminars and workshops. Since childhood, her deepest desire has been to reveal the unseen dimensions that influence the course of peoples lives. Here amazing artwork–rendered in three different light wavelengths (normal, black light and a combination of both)– awakens people to the unconscious parts of themselves and the unseen world around them. Her art reveals the Light within and the Invisible dimensions that create ones everyday life, and often inspires instantaneous healing, which has been scientifically documented. Her astonishing new book The Art of HealingArt: The Keys to Power and Awareness pairs 15 of her incredible images with life lessons that open the door to personal metamorphosis. For more information, go to www.TheArtofHealingArt.com  


Revealing the Hidden World Through HealingArt2024-04-23T14:58:27-04:00

You Can Unleash Your Creative Energy Thru Invisible Dimensions in Art

by Jacqueline Ripstein, the author of The Art of HealingArt– The Keys to Power and Awareness

(Editor’s Note: The author of this excerpt shares with us that the visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. Electromagnetic radiation in this range of wavelengths is called visible light. Light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum, higher in frequency than radio waves, but below X-rays. Curiously, the spectrum of visible light, between ultraviolet and infrared, is almost exactly an octave. Interesting, don’t you think?)

Throughout history Art has had great power to influence. Colors alone have been an expression and silent language of life, man, nature and culture. Every idea and sensation possesses a color…colors are thoughts! In essence there exists within each of us a rainbow array of emotions and ideas. Our ability to harness and ignite such emotions, ideas and passions can directly impact our creative energy.

Art in its many forms of painting, poetry, music, singing, architecture, writing, dance, sacred geometry, archetypes and theater are manifestations of creative forces at work. It is generally understood that ignited creativity brings forth inspiring and passionate art in all its forms. However, the even more exciting revelation is that, when we experience such inspired art, it has the power to unleash our creative forces for application in various other areas of life – including school, work, relationships and wellness.

There is a need to open our hearts and eyes to see and experience the colors of life, including those that are beyond the visible spectrum. In doing so, we can truly connect with our creative passions and potential. Art is an experience of the sublime, or the divine. It enriches our lives, and by inspiring us it raises our beings into higher states of vibrations, connecting us with our inner divine force. This, is the mission of Art, it touches us so we can raise our inspirational level and awaken the forces of creativity and consciousness.

The Violet Color:

Violet is the color of seekers. It has the highest vibration of all colors and corresponds, in music, to “Ti” and, to the Moon in the planetary cycle. Wagner had his studio painted in violet, and composed his music to the vibration of the violet color. Many artists have used violet’s high vibration to inspire them in their creative expressions. Masters have “talked” to humanity through the emanation of this high vibrational color ray. As a fountain of violet singing flame, the Blue or Purple Flames have magnetized people for centuries, from every corner of the world, setting them free from every binding condition of body, mind and soul.

The Ultra-Violet Ray is called ultra because it goes “beyond our senses.” It is the frequency that connects us between our bodies and our Spirits.

In my Invisible Art & Light Technique©, the vibration is an octave higher than the vibration of the violet color, which means: it is beyond the body of the violet color. Because of this, it reaches beyond the visible spectrum. Black light combined with natural light are needed to view my paintings using this technique. Under the black light, viewers can experience the transformation of each painting from an oil-on-canvas depicting the physical world– to an incredibly vibrant painting that, when the lights are dimmed, exposes the non-physical world that surrounds us. Viewers experience a breakthrough to a new path and a new consciousness.

The Vibration of the Ultraviolet or Black Light:

The Ultraviolet or Black light is a space where all colors are manifested, and creates a vastness in unity and harmony. Ultraviolet and Black light go 1/8th outside of the spectrum that our eyes can see*. Interestingly, images only visible in ultraviolet light can be seen by some nocturnal animals. Divine energy can more easily be manifested through the ultraviolet spectrum. The Invisible Art & Light Technique© embodies new forms of expressions that, project images and higher vibrations of the dimensions beyond our physical existence–and all that exists in Higher planes–into “our physical reality.”

These concepts provoke amazing manifestations of creativity in workshops I teach for both children and adults. Students of all ages experience breathtaking insights fueled by their own inspired creativity and enlightened vision. By experiencing “invisible dimensions” students are awakened to new capacity for creative development in multiple sectors of life.

I highly recommend your own exploration into the Invisible dimensions of color and art if you seek to inspire your own creativity.


You Can Unleash Your Creative Energy Thru Invisible Dimensions in Art2024-04-23T14:58:27-04:00
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